To our Unumb Center Family
During this time of uncertainty, we are doing everything that we can to keep our clients, staff, and supporters safe. We have been working diligently on a plan for navigating this changing landscape regarding COVID-19. We have consulted with other businesses, various insurers, The Council of Autism Service Providers (CASP), and The Unumb Center Board of Directors in the development of this plan. As new information comes, we will work to adapt and continue to provide services to the best of our ability.
We have added additional services to reflect community needs as the environment changes. Please check back here and our Facebook page frequently, as we will add information for services as they become available. To keep everyone safe and in compliance with the CDC's recommendation of canceling gatherings of over 50 people.
Now more than ever we need your support. Consistent therapy services are critical for the clients we serve, gaps in these services could lead to serious regressions and severely impact the families that we serve. Donate today to help us continue to provide these services. Together we will get through this and together we will succeed.
Anslie Patrick, BCBA
Executive Director